Things have be going so crazy since I have returned from Magic, in Vegas. I really have to thank RVCA, Torsion, and Creative Recreation for making a lot of things happen out there for me. Well, not Creative Recreation so much, because their shoes are so hot that I can't really go anywhere without people stopping me asking me about my sneakers and preventing me from getting anything done. Rob, Rich, Josh, you all rule.
Recently I was fortunate enough to be able to take part in the RVCA signing at the Burbank Active Ride Shop. It was great, from what I understand, it was one of the most successful signings they have ever had! What was even better, was the fact that it was the entire team. I have to give it to Jimmy Ariggi for putting together a great team, I love those guys.
Oh, speaking of skate teams, I just recently wrapped up a shoot for LRG which was pretty fun. I haven't really worked with a lot of skaters outside of RVCA, so it was really fun to see how these guys work as opposed to them. It was definitely different, but just as fun. I have to give it up for my old pal Tyrone for keeping things going and for keeping things moving.
Big big things happening with me over at SkullCandy and hopefully with my buddies over at Pony. More on that later as well as my report from SXSW and Winter Music Festival. If you are ever in Florida, stop by and say hi to Randy Fuchs and all the gals over at Artist Relations, they are seriously some of my favorite people of all time.