Monday, August 31, 2009

Iphone app,
photos ala quang,
pretty boy paul,
q le,
quang le,
shoot it,
shoot it mobile,
w hotel
Saturday, August 29, 2009

This other photo of Byrone is another test for something else that we are cooking up. I'm just putting it up here, because I think its kinda funny and embarrassing for him, although alot of ladies have commented on how dashing he looks here.

Lorde Byrone,
mike relm,
photos ala quang,
q le,
quang le
Friday, August 28, 2009

Christain Hosoi
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So I am I a rather insane deadline schedule right now shooting a bunch of pro skaters right now earlier this week I shot with Greg Ludzka, yesterday with PLG, and today with Christian Hosoi. This is actually kind of normal for me, the crazy party is, that I am shooting all of these in the middle of the night, like I think this off take of the PLG holding up his demon possessed skate deck, I believe was shot at like 3am. what makes all this even nuttier, is that I'm also shooting during the day as well. All in all, I'm pretty tired, but I'm rather glad I'm working ALOT!
Christain Hosoi,
greg ludzka,
Pierre Luc Gagnon,
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

DCMA/K Swiss rider Greg Ludzka, Greg is off first thing in the morning, for some gig in NYC, and I have been in Hawaii for the last week, so the only option was to shoot him as soon as my plane landed. Its during instances like these having a good crew really paid off. I was so tired from the flight it was so crazy to get booked like this, but we did what we had to do, and we banged out some really good stuff. Greg and I have some pretty good stuff in the works, the kind of stuff that only that late night delirium can concocted. Nonetheless it'll be brilliant!
greg ludzka,
k swiss,
photos ala quang,
q le,
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Complex magazine,
mike posner,
Thursday, August 20, 2009

I have tons to write about my trip to the Islands with Pretty Boy Paul, but I'll get to that later... For now here is a post from home by my friends over at Gost Brand about a little field trip we took over to the Toddland offices. Trips with Arlo and the crew are always interesting and fun and I really wish I was able to hang out with them much more. Anyway I'm too tired to write anymore, so just head over to the Gost blog and read it, Arlo is way funnier and a better writer anyway.
arlo eisenberg,
bear flag,
fake rich,
gost brand,
quang le,
social d burrito,
todd masters,
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Believe it or not, I've never been to Hawaii. Over the years I've made a few attempts, but never made it. I have no idea what to really expect, in my mind I suppose it appears like a blend of Hawaii 5-0, Magnum P.I., Dog the Bounty Hunter, with just a dash of Gilligan's Island.
What also makes this trip even more awesome, is that I actually get to go for work! I feel pretty blessed that

this is my job. This shoot is going to be pretty interesting. I have no doubt that its going to be awesome, but I really have no idea what to expect. Being that I really don't really know what to prepare for since I've never been in an area quite like this. Kinda funny huh. Out of every where I've been, tropical is something I haven't really done. So in preperation of this, I'm pretty much bringing pretty much every combination of gear I can think of, I can only image what the baggage fees are going to be for this one.
photos ala quang,
q le,
quang le
Sunday, August 16, 2009

So my buddy Seth is pretty good about letting me know what the latest and greatest is when it comes to technology, web, social networking and all that. Recently Seth was cool enough to hook me up with this whole new thing called Shoot it! I'm pretty skeptical about most things that are related to all this, mainly because I'm still a pretty hands on kind of guy. The real unique thing, and what really attracted me to it, was then fact that it really blends old world and new world technology and makes a whole new thing. What Shoot It! is, is an application for your phone where you are able to take a picture with your phone and basically upload it where ever you are through your phone and they print out your image with a message on the back and send it to whom ever you want for about a dollar. Here are my first examples of shoot it cards, which I'm sure I'll get better at taking once I get a hang of it. I'm pretty excited about this, because it will surely help me start being a much better son, because now I have no excuse not to mail postcards to my Mom. I'll be posting a bunch more cards here soon!
photos ala quang,
q le,
quang le,
shoot it,
shoot it mobile
Friday, August 14, 2009
I really forget sometimes that there are people that really care what I do, or read this thing, because when I heard this went up today I was totally shocked. Juggernaught superstore to the hipster elite Metropark, gave myself and Pretty boy Paul a pretty good write up on thier blog. It was about our work for Villains and Vagabonds they also posted this behind the scenes video that Paul did while I was shooting. I was totally surprised to see it up and pretty stoked that they were so cool to write those nice things about me. hopefully we can get more features and things up there. My ma would be so proud.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Here's a little video that Pretty boy Paul made of a little trip we took recently to visit BPMW and Best showroom in Downtown LA. It also shows off a little footage of my trip to the Box 8 art gallery in preparation for one of the group shows that Ray and I were a part of as Chule.
best showroom,
box eight,
brand pimps and media whores,
ray young chu
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
This was a project that Ray and I finished recently as Chule. We have been toying around with the idea of self portraits for a while, and when given the opportunity to do it we kinda jumped at it. They were pretty fun to work on, and to be honest I was a bit skeptical on if they would be done in time, but Ray really pulled through in the last stretch. I hope you like them, I can't wait for out next show.
ray young chu,
self portrait,
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I have to thank Mr. Adrian Santos for providing me with some photos of just a few of the bad decisions that I made over the course of this lollapalooza. So many cra
zy stories. maybe if I get the balls I'll write one out and post it here. But honestly if you wanna get the real scoop, you'll probably just have to ask me. They sound much better that way anyway.

photos ala quang,
q le,
quang le
Friday, August 7, 2009

Of Montreal! Jonelle Monae! Lollapalooza preforming together! unbelievable! Not a bad first day if I say so myself, tomorrow, Santigold, GZA, and Passion Pit! bananas!
jonelle monae,
of montreal,
Passion Pit,
photos ala quang,
q le,
quang le,
Thursday, August 6, 2009
We stopped off the other day to visit with some of our friends over at Ludwig clothing in their compound over in the old Kim Sun theatre in LA. We shot this little video there, because we were pretty blown away by their space, they have these really large windows that let in all this great light, that on top of being really spacious makes it such a good place to show case I really don't know why Pretty Boy Paul cut it to this track from The Dream featuring Kanye West and everyone knows that around these parts Kanye can do no wrong. Here is a pic that I actually shot a little while back of The Dream for the Gym Class Heroes cookie jar music video.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
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