so today I was off down south to do some work for my dudes over at Skullcandy with pro skater Pierre Luc Gagnon, or PLG as I guess most people call him. I didn't know too much about the guy to be honest with you, but when I asked my buddy Dylan over at Oakley all he said back was Woah, so I took that as a good thing. Anyway this is a pretty rough shot, that I just nabbed, because I don't really wanna spill the beans before the images drop. Anyway this shoot was pretty rushed and I was pretty bummed, because Pierre didn't have all that much time available to him, because of doctors appointments and things like that. So anyway I shot a bunch of photos and was bummed, he said that we could shoot again soon with more time available. Anyway he took I off, and I realized that he lives super close to DC Shoes, so I stopped by to visit and spend some time with them, because I hadn't been down there since I went to shoot the women's look book. During my visit, Pierre hit me up saying that he got out early and that if I was still around we could shoot more, so I went back and we were able to get a ton of much better shots. I'm pretty lucky that I like to dilly dally around alot, other wise I would have taken off and would have to have driven all the way back down to Carlsbad another day.

Anyway, here is a photo that I saw randomly that I shot with the new Mike Shinoda shoe from DC, Mike is actually wearing the shoe in this, believe it or not.