As promised, here's the rest of my shoot for Celine Ouaknine's line Cece L'amour. It was a pretty great shoot to put together, easily one of my favorites so far this year.
I combined a lot of various movie references and techniques together for this one. Theres alot of Douglas Sirk inspiration in this one and of course a loose Lolita as well. Well maybe more like Douglas' spirit, but lit with the color more like Todd Haynes' Far from Heaven, the Douglas Sirk homage.
My living room also makes a guest appearance in this one as it should, its really one of my favorite places. I do think I may have to lay off shooting there for a while, considering I also shot the Gym Class Heroes there as well, but I suppose I could always use that as an excuse to redecorate, anyway i'm really looking forward to seeing what Celine and I can do together in the future for the next round of Cece L'amour!