So this is kind of nuts, I just recently had one a pretty surreal experience out in Pittsburgh shooting for those Mall giants, American Eagle for their North American Music Union Festival. When I first was approached about this gig I was pretty skeptical. But upon hearing them out I found the the project was quite cool. I've kept pretty quiet about the project because I wasn't really sure how it would work out, but honestly it was really a great experience working with all those guys. Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers hosted the event where, Bob Dylan, The Raconteurs, The Roots, Gnarls Barkely, The Black Keys, Spoon, Black Mountain, Nasa, and the Tiny Masters of Today preformed. The experience all around was incredible. I really didn't get to sleep all that much since they needed all of the images ASAP, but honestly I don't know if I could have had a better time. Its also pretty cool to have my stuff on the American Eagle website.