So this is something pretty cool that came out a while ago, but didn't realize. A month ago or so, The Gym Class Heroes did a CD/DVD rerelease of thier album As Cruel As School Children and as one of the Bonus features, Atlantic Records included a photogallery of some photos that I have taken of them while on the road. I had forgotten all about till recently and Anthony from Atlantic was kind enough to send one out to me. It's pretty weird to look back at some of these photos and remember stuff from that particular day or that tour. I'm really happy that I got this, sometimes doing what I do, you spend so much time working on something, and you are never sure how it will all work out in the end, but to actually see it all come together like this, is really amazing. I feel really fortunate to be able to blend work and friendship quite seamlessly. I really can't wait to see what next year brings for the all of us.