I'm not actually sure if I have ever put any pictures of Lorde Byrone up on here, so I am going to assume that this is my first time... Please don't correct me if I am wrong. Anyway, Byrone is pretty much all I could ever want as an assistant, Here he is standing in for DJ virtuoso Mike Relm for some upcoming photos that'll be released of him soon. This night was long and kinda sucked because of how long it was, but I will say, that the photos turned out to be outstanding, and well, Mike is a really cool guy. I honestly didn't know what to expect, but I found that we had a bunch of stuff in common as including a bunch of mutual friends and a love for pho. I'm actually pretty excited about this one, so hopefully it'll be wrapped up soon so I can post it up!
This other photo of Byrone is another test for something else that we are cooking up. I'm just putting it up here, because I think its kinda funny and embarrassing for him, although alot of ladies have commented on how dashing he looks here.