I'm not sure what to call it, maybe insomnia, I just say I can't sleep. When people say they have insomnia it think it sounds like one of the cries for attention, like you want people to ask you questions about it and prob you and all that. So thats why I've just decided to say I just can't sleep. I know its my own doing as well. I have all sorts or random ideas, then I start looking into them so see if they are doable, then it just cases me to get more ideas. I dunno if you are one of those people that have all sorts of wilds thoughts, but when you do

happen to be one of those people but you tend to not sleep.
This photoshoot that I just did was one of those. It's part of Triumvir's Hell is For Heroes campaign. I can't really show off the actual images that I shot just yet, because its for this upcoming season, and I don't want to spoil anything, but its going to be pretty cool, We've been amassing props for sometime, and well this I think will be on of Triumvir's finest seasons that they have designed. I know that for me personally, I haven't

wanted more gear from then any other season than this one. These photos are a couple I behind the scenes ones that I lifted off of their blog, so I know that this stuff is okay for me to show off and for all of her fans out there Julia comes back as a model, and she looks fantastic! So I'll post them as soon as I can and maybe after about ten more posts I can manage to actually fall asleep.