I've been talking to the guys over at
530 media lab for quite some time now. We are currently working on a pretty large scale project right now for my pals over at
triumvir which should be coming out pretty soon now. Triumvir has these shirts coming out with some images that pin up artist
Gil Elgren did which is pretty cool. I thought it was really cool of those guys to actually go get a license to reproduce his work than stealing the images that other people produce like alot of companies do. I've always loved Elgren's work, a really awesome girl I dated a long time ago turned me onto his work. She was really into it, she even worked at Ruby's Diner and drove a really cool old car.
Any way, 530 and I have been talking about alot of cool possibilites for the future and hopefully we'll be working alot more together.

I did some photos last week of Dingo, Home Wreck, Eero Neimela, and Bozung of the Neff Headware, Snow team that are going to be part of their next ad campaign. I believe that these are getting run in the next issue of
Transworld . The shoot went really well dispite it being super hot. Dingo was really good sport about being all wrapped up in a hoody and mask for the shoot in all of the heat. I even got a few shots of Neff and Bozung together during the shoot that were pretty funny. This next campaign with them is going to be pretty crazy and they are pulling in some pretty rad people in for the next shoot.

In the latest issue of
Vapors I've got that image of Jeremy Kove that I shot a while back which is pretty cool. I really dig what they do over at that mag, and Maurice the editor is a pretty cool guy. We've met a number of times, but have never really been able to do anything together, but I happened to meet Jeremy at an art show through
Kelsey Brookes , who asked if I would shoot him for the mag. It's kind of weird how things work out like that