Here is a sample I did recently with Sammy over at Triumvir that I was pretty into. I was pretty reluctant to do it at first, because I was really busy, but I am really glad I did it, because I really liked the results. If it isn't obvious, I just got back from watching Harry Potter. Although I haven't seen it yet, I think there was also a little Hairspray mixed in there too. I'm not sure why they needed to make a new one, because I thought I thought the John Waters one was pretty genius.

I haven't been over to the Gallery for quite some time, and had to get over there, because I was picking up a piece of art that Caroline Hwang left there for me, I also really wanted to see the new Herbert Baglione show that went up on the 13th. The show was really great and was almost sold out. The piece that Caroline left for me was really amazing. I can't wait to move into a new place, so that I'll have room to put it up along with a bunch of other artwork I have. Caroline's work is so good, I really dig it. It was really great being able to hang out at the gallery, I really miss it. Marsea always has som much rad stuff to show me, and on top of that, she just got in a bunch of books from the Burning House show she just put on. That book is really really good, I totally recommend it for anyone that is a Faile / Swoon / or David Ellis fan... well I take that back, I really recommend it to anyone. It also comes with a pretty awesome poster as well.

The Bum Squad DJ event was pretty crazy. I was really glad we had Derek and Octavia there to really keep things cool. The event was really great, everyone was really into all the Skullcandy stuff. We met up with tons of guys but I was really glad I got to meet up with Papoose,DJ Ski, Nina Nine from XM radio, and Yeah Boy.

On top of meeting everyone today, I got a chance to play with one of the new Skullcandy audio packs, which are pretty nice, I also got a chance to mess with a new Zune Player thanks Cl and the guys over at Digiwaxx. I've never been able to really play with a Zune player till now, and I can honestly say that it really surprised me. I really got to liking its controls after a while.