Well, i'm going crazy, thats it. I got back from SLC on friday, and since then, I've gone to 4 shows, and done 2 photoshoots. I really need to slow down. Even though I do feel a little nutty. I am pretty excited about some photos that I shot recently for Torsion when ever Nick and I get together, we produce some some pretty amazing pictures. I can't wait till they debut at the Project Tradeshow in Vegas in a couple weeks. Here's a little teaser photo from the shoot. We've got even bigger plans for after the trade show.
My pals from the band Melee were in town for a bit, and I got the chance to see them over preform some of their many hits over at the the Irvine Spectrum as part of a free concert series they have going on over there. After the show and a quick signing, well all rolled over to our usual spot for sushi, Honda Ya over in Tustin. Where not only did I get to feast upon some pretty awesome rolls, but I got to decorate thier lovely merch gal Casey with some of my custom made accessories. I figured since so many wardrobe stylists and photographers are using paper like news print and shredded stuff, as well as aluminum cans and other recylclable goods in the effort to "go green" in there shoots, took the idea a step further and styled the gorgeous Casey here in what I like to call "Used chopstick couture"

I'd like to thank her for support and her belief in my contribution to my efforts in my fashionable "go green" effort. It was quite a festive evening over at Honda Ya, where we were all able to feast upon a cavalcade of delights from the orient, which even included to Chris' delight sausage fries! My only disappointment was that gizzard nor sacred heart was available that evening, oh well, there is always next time!