Well, here it is! the Triumvir Lion Parka. I've seen it around their office for months and months. I wasn't suer they were going to make it, but apparently they are selling like hot cakes! I can't wait to get mine. I recently shot these of photos of Julia for some ads that they have coming out in the next issue of Vapors, Antenna, and a few other publications. I really like the pic that I shot in the red coat. I've noticed that since the East pack shoot, I have been shooting a bit differently and really enjoying my work more. I can't really put my figure on it, but I feel good, which is kind of a change for me. Generally when I shoot I get really really nervous, even if I have done the same type of shot a thousand time before, but now, I really am honestly enjoying the moment, it's weird, but I feel like I am really growing. I always feel good and I think I do a great job when I shoot, but I always get these jitters inside that make me triple check everything, I still check everything, but now I do it with a smile on my face. Anyway, things are good and I am really happy about these new ads I am doing. Triumvir is also making this pretty amazing piece I like to call the hobbit cloak that should be coming out quite soon as well, but Brandon will not let me shoot ads featuring this coat, because he knows that I would try to reenact a scene from lord of the rings with that one. I'll defiantly be slaying the beasts in that one when it comes out.